5 Bad Foods for Diabetes and Hydration Tips

Treatment and Medication Options For Type 2 Diabetes

5 Bad Foods for Diabetes and Hydration Tips

Diabetes is a chronic condition that has become one of the most common metabolic disorders in North America. If left untreated, diabetes can have serious health risks, such as kidney malfunction, heart disease, and nerve damage. However, you can mitigate that risk by taking doctor prescribed treatments and medications—such as Trulicity, Ozempic, and Jardiance—as well as hydrating adequately with your choice of still water or sparkling water, which helps to balance glucose levels, and by following healthy eating habits.

The link between type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease (CKD) underscores the intricate interplay between these two prevalent health conditions. Individuals with type 2 diabetes, especially those with uncontrolled blood sugar levels over an extended period, face an increased risk of developing chronic kidney disease. The kidneys play a crucial role in filtering blood, and persistent high blood sugar levels can damage the delicate blood vessels in these vital organs. As a result, individuals with diabetes may experience a gradual decline in kidney function. In the management of type 2 diabetes and its potential impact on the kidneys, medications such as Metformin and Empagliflozin play pivotal roles. Metformin, a commonly prescribed oral medication for diabetes, helps control blood sugar levels and has shown benefits in preserving kidney function. Empagliflozin, a type of medication known as an SGLT2 inhibitor, not only helps regulate blood glucose but has also demonstrated positive effects on reducing the risk of kidney-related complications in people with diabetes. These medications, when used under medical supervision, contribute to a comprehensive approach in mitigating the risk and progression of chronic kidney disease in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Regular monitoring, lifestyle modifications, and adherence to prescribed medications form essential components of the holistic management of both conditions.

Here are some foods to avoid for diabetes that can lower your possibility of getting the condition:

1. Sugary beverages
The worst thing a diabetic or a prediabetic can do is have sugary beverages. Firstly, they have too many carbs from sugar. Additionally, these drinks are loaded with fructose that is linked to develop insulin resistance and worsen diabetes. Not only are you at an increased risk of worsening your condition, but you are also exposed to the risk of developing other diabetes-related diseases, such as fatty liver. Moreover, high fructose levels in sugary beverages may also lead to belly fat and harmful cholesterol. Not eliminating these drinks from your diet can also be the cause of obesity. To prevent all these health risks, you must eliminate sweetened beverages, like soda, from your diet and consume water instead.

2. Trans fats
Trans fats are unhealthy. These are found in spreads, butter, margarine, creamers, frozen foods, etc. Manufacturers add hydrogen to unsaturated fatty acids to make them more stable and increase their shelf life. While these fats may not elevate blood sugar levels, they can increase insulin resistance, inflammation, and belly fat. That is the reason you must consider food labels before making a purchase. If it says “partially hydrogenated” on its ingredient list, you should avoid adding it to your cart.

3. White bread, pasta, and rice
White bread, pasta, and rice are high-carb foods that can increase blood sugar levels in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. These products are made from refined white flour and contain very little fiber. Fiber is an important micronutrient that helps absorb the sugar in the bloodstream. When you replace low-fiber foods with high fiber, it helps in reducing blood sugar levels in diabetic people.

4. Sweetened yogurt
While plain yogurt is good for health, fruit-flavored or sweetened varieties must be avoided. Flavored yogurts are made from low-fat milk that is loaded with sugar and carbs. Many people falsely consider flavored frozen yogurt as a healthier alternative to ice cream. However, it contains just the same amount of sugar, if not more. Rather than eating sweetened yogurt, choose a whole milk variety that is healthier and more beneficial.

5. Breakfast cereal
Breakfast cereal is one of the worst things you can have in the morning. Cereals are heavily processed and often fortified with added sugars, feeding you more carbs than you realize. Moreover, they have very little nutritional value that keeps you full and satisfied.