Treatment Options for Colon Cancer

Treatment Options for Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a kind of cancer, which starts in the colon or the large intestine. The colon is the digestive tract’s last part. Usually, this type of cancer affects older adults, but it can happen to people of all age groups. It starts as a non-cancerous, small cluster of cells known as polyps. Polyps can aggravate and lead to colon cancer. When someone gets colon cancer, multiple treatment options are available to combat it. So, let us read the treatment options for colon cancer.

1. Surgery
One of the prevalent treatment options for colon cancer is surgery. These can help remove a whole or part of the colon and known as a colectomy. In this procedure, a surgeon will remove a small piece of the colon with malignant cells.

For instance, in most cases, they will remove the surrounding lymph nodes. This can lower the spread of the disease. As a replacement, the surgeon might reannex the colon’s healthy portion or build a stoma. This choice mainly depends on the colectomy’s extent.

Other kinds of surgeries are as follows:

  • Palliative surgery
    In this surgery, the objective is to relieve the patient of the symptoms. It is employed in the most advanced stages of cancer. The surgeon will try removing any hindrance in the colon and simultaneously help monitor pain, bleeding, or any other related symptoms.
  • Laparoscopic surgery
    In this surgery, the surgeon will make several tiny incisions in the abdomen. It is performed to remove larger polyps.
  • Endoscopy
    In this surgery, the surgeon tries to remove a small localized cancer. For this, they insert a flexible, thin tube with a camera and light annexed. The tube also has an attachment that helps remove the malignant tissue.

2. Chemotherapy
In chemotherapy, drugs are used to combat cancer cells. This treatment method is used following cancer surgery when cancer has entered the lymph nodes. Thus, chemo is used to fight cancer cells left behind after the surgery to lower the risk of a relapse.

At times, chemotherapy may also be used to shrink giant cancer, so it is easy to remove with the surgery. In some cases, chemotherapy is used to relieve cancer symptoms, which cannot be eliminated with surgery or have spread to other body areas. It may even be used in combination with radiation therapy.

3. Radiation
It is a treatment measure that involves the use of high-energy beams, which kill cancer cells. In colon cancer, radiation therapy is mostly given following surgery along with chemotherapy.

4. Targeted drug therapy
In this treatment measure, the drugs that focus on specific abnormalities found in cancer cells are used. These drugs help obstruct the abnormalities, causing the cancer cells to die. It is used in cases of advanced colon cancers are used in combination with chemotherapy.

5. Immunotherapy
It is a treatment wherein your immune system is used to combat cancer.