6 Lifestyle Remedies for Sleep Apnea

6 Lifestyle Remedies for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a condition that interrupts your breathing for a short time while you are asleep. The disorder might wake you up suddenly due to the lack of oxygen and cause mental health issues, memory loss, heart problems, and deterioration of the immune system. Besides the various medicines and alternative treatments for sleep apnea, a few lifestyle changes can improve the condition. Here are some valuable tips.

1. Change your sleeping position
Common advice given to most sleep apnea patients is to avoid sleeping on the back and sleep on the side instead. The reason: sleeping on your back can force your jaw to tilt backward, making it more difficult to breathe. If you find this difficult, use methods like tying tennis balls to the back of your pajamas to stop yourself from rolling over to your back.

2. Maintain a healthy weight
Excess fat, especially in your upper body and around your neck, can make breathing difficult. The fat obstructs the airways and narrows the nasal passages, worsening sleep apnea symptoms. Hence, doctors suggest losing the extra weight, especially if you are obese. In a few instances, losing weight has cured sleep apnea completely.

3. Avoid alcohol and smoking
Alcohol relaxes your throat muscles that control breathing. This leads to snoring, another symptom that can disrupt your sleep. It might even cause inflammation in your airways, blocking the airflow. Like alcohol, smoking tobacco can also result in swelling and have a similar effect. Hence, quitting smoking and alcohol is one of the best alternative treatments for sleep apnea.

4. Treat allergies
Nasal allergies like asthma and allergic rhinitis can result in swelling and inflammation in your airways, making them narrower. As a result, breathing can get complicated, worsening your sleep apnea. Hence, nasal allergies must be controlled.

5. Use dental or oral appliances
These days, several oral appliances are available in the market that reopen your jaw or tongue to free up your airways when you sleep. According to the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, these devices are an efficient form of therapy for sleep apnea. However, most of these tools require a prescription, and you will need to meet a dental professional who is trained in sleep medicine to fit the device. Some of these can be bought over the counter at a low cost.

6. Raise the head of your bed
Those who suffer from sleep apnea but find it difficult to sleep on their side can try this remedy. You just need to sleep with the head of the bed raised at an angle of 60 degrees. A bed or chair with an adjustable upper portion can also be ideal for this purpose. You can even use pillows to elevate your head while sleeping.